Co-ordinator’s * Overview
- Check that Vaporiser removed from machine
- Check Fresh Gas Flow > 15L/min
- Hyperventilate with 100% O2
* In most cases it is expected that the co-ordinator will be “Anaesthetist 1”
The following are the recommended contents of an MH Box
- 24 x 20 mg vials of Dantrolene
- Sterile water for injection (2000ml) clearly labelled as unsuitable for IV infusion
- eg 250 ml bag from B/Braun or 100ml bottles of sterile water for parenteral injections (Pfizer)
- Drawing up needles
- 60 ml syringes 5-10
Include information on where to obtain additional dantrolene
- 8.4% sodium bicarbonate (1mmol/ml)
- 50% dextrose 50 ml
- Lignocaine 1%
- Amiodarone 300mg
Cold Box in fridge:
- 2 litres normal saline for IV use
- Actrapid insulin
Blood tubes for:
- Haematology, coagulation profile
- Electrolytes, creatinine, urea, creatine kinase (CK)
- Crossmatch
- Blood gas syringes
- Urine sample pot for myoglobin
- Pathology forms (pre-written)
Task Cards:
As described in the MH Resource kit instructions
If space in your MH Box allows: (otherwise, have instructions on where to find)
Urinary catheter:
Urinary catheter and hourly urine bag
Monitoring equipment:
Arterial line equipment Central line catheter